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6 bytes added, 20:49, 28 April 2019
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<h2>Step 3: Copy the code</h2>
<h3>Method 1</h3>
As you make your page, type "..." and save the page. Then copy the following code into a text editor (ideally Notepad++) and you will have 7 days to write up before adding it to your newly made page. When you are ready to add the code to your page, go to the URL followed by #/editor/0 (for e.g. and then remove the "..." and paste your code there. Also remember to remove the #///In Progress tag above your Author Name H1 Tag too, to finalise your submission.
<h3>Method 2</h3>
As you make your page, copy the following code into the text area on your newly formed page, from step 2 and then edit it as you like over the next 7 days, as it will allow other authors interested in writing on the same page, to give you time to put your information in there, so they can then write after your 7 day period from the contribution date you add. Also remember to remove the #///In Progress tag above your Author Name H1 Tag too, to finalise your submission when done.
# /// In Progress
<h1>Author 1: Mr A Claire</h1>