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<h1>Example Page: "How to design the toothbrush"Examples</h1><h2>Author 1[http: Mr A Claire</h2>About...    <h2>Product</h2><h3>Summary</h3>...<h3>Lifespan</h3>...    <h2>Problems identified</h2><h3>Problem 1</h3>www.wikidesign..<h3>Problem 2<world/h3>...<h3>Problem 3</h3>...    <h2>Aim & solutions</h2><h3>Suggestion 1</h3>...<h3>Suggestion 2</h3>...<h3>Suggestion 3</h3>...    <h2>Cleaning & restoration</h2><h3>Cleaning method 1</h3>...<h3>Cleaning method 2</h3>...<h3>Restoration method 1</h3>...    <h2>Recyclable options</h2><h3>Recyclable option 1</h3>...<h3>Recyclable option 2</h3>...<h3>Recyclable option 3</h3>...    <h2>Sources & examples</h2>...        <h2>Authors influence & summary</h2><h3>Author 1: Author's Name</h3>...<h3>Author 2: Author's Name</h3>...    <h2>Overall influence & summary</h2>This part is a changing log and you can View History How_to_design_the_example_page How to refer to previous 'Overall influence & summary'. the example page]