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Contribute to page

266 bytes removed, 22:08, 20 May 2019
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<h1> Description </h1>
Learn how to contribute to an existing page.
<h1>Get Started...</h1>
<h2>Step 1: Locate the page</h2>
First of all, we need to locate the page we want to contribute to through by searching for it. Load the page up by clicking it from the search results.
<h2>Step 2: Editing the page</h2>
In the address bar, add the text "#/editor/0" to the end of the page URL to go into editor mode. Once you are here, you need to find a free author slot which starts and ends like the following For example " AUTHOR 2 START ##########/editor/0" to "########## AUTHOR 2 END ##########, for e.g. you would use this slot if there is already 1 author who initially made the page.
If there is no slot, copy the two complete lines "########## AUTHOR + START ##########" to ########## AUTHOR + END ########## including with the "< ! -- "" -->" code around them above the "AUTHOR + START" slot and replace the "+'s" in them with your new author number, e.g. 5 or 6, depending on how many authors there already are.
<h2>Step 3: Copy the code</h2>
Copy the following code between your slot, which you may continue editing it over time. (remember to copy/save any code before submitting to avoid data loss locally)
Note <h2>Step 3: Copy & modify the code</h2>1: It is important to write your . Copy the code or edits into your notepad and save it on your computer, to prevent data loss if multiple people are editing the page, versus editing it in page and you will be given 7 days to update it, therefore you may want to do a write up before initiating a contribution, to give yourself additional timeeditor above the tag "NEW CONTRIBUTOR - PASTE RIGHT ABOVE THIS LINE".
Note 2: If an . Modify your author has suggested an idea 'NUMBER' tags (if there are 3 authors already, try not to copy the same idea, but you may then your author number will be 4) and also provide an adjustment to the suggestiona contribution date.
Note 3: Once . Save the page to show your intentions of contributing, then you have completed may go back into editor mode to add your entrycontribution, then where you will have 2 weeks to finalise it (after this date, other contributors can remove begin contributing to the #In Progress tag written above your H1 Author Name tagpage).
Note 1: If an author has suggested an idea already, try not to copy the same idea, but you may provide an adjustment to the suggestion.
Note 2: Before submitting/saving the page, remember to copy the entire editor box, in case of data loss by connection or server.
Note 3: We recommend writing up your contribution on your computer in a notepad, to give yourself enough time to write your content.
<h3>The code</h3>
<!-- ########## AUTHOR 'NUMBER' START ########## -->///In Progress
<h1>Author 2: Miss Author's Name</h1>
<!-- ########## AUTHOR 'NUMBER' END ########## -->